Military airport "An Officer and a Gentlemen", agps architecture, open competition, 1st prize

This is my first competition that I won with agps.architecture (Angelil, Graham, Pfenniger, Scholl, Oester) in Zürich. The goal of the competition was to develop the new main military air base of Switzerland. In fact, more than 50% of the Swiss Military Aviations will be in Payerne.

L'idée architectonique provient de la division du programme en deux unités séparées : le complexe des opérations et la dite « boardinghouse ». Ces deux univers différents se laissent, tout en correspondant à leur fonction, se mettre en scène de façon urbanistique ainsi que architecturale.


LS "Soccer Bunker" Stadium

Architecture begins with the need of finding the right answer to a given context.
The difficulty is to ponder with an open mind. Connecting a programme with a place and a history requires accepting that each context can give this gathering point...